In a league of their own, or maybe, it’s more like the cosmos, itself. In any case, I should know, since I am a native of South Dakota. So what a splendid surprise when the 4 pm tour brought together these 6 energetic women from Fargo-land : Teresa, Linda, Gwen, Sandy, Tammi………..and Sue, for whom 25 friends had journeyed here just to celebrate Sue’s birthday. The Big SIXTY. They had been here a few days already so let’s just say they’d been partying like “The Day After Tomorrow.” Today, we had the best time; I got to touch base with my roots, and I think they all might have gotten a sense of Las Vegas as an historic place. I think my favorite part of the tour (besides the cocktail toast at the El Cortez) was their insistence on seeing the portion of the Berlin Wall that is part of the urinal in the men’s restroom of Main Street Station Casino. It took some logistics diversion (in terms of the queue)………but never under estimate North Dakota women!!